Ms. Martin's Class

Open Circle

Wiki Links
Open Circle
Weekly Poems
Where in the World?
Science Corner
News and Notices
MCAS information
Room 12's Newsletter
Fun Links

We will be meeting in our Open Circle at least twice a week this year.  Open Circle is a program that teaches social and emotional skills.  The lessons are designed to help foster a classroom environment that is safe, caring, and respectful.

Family newsletters will be sent home after certain lessons. Please speak with your children about the topics discussed in Open Circle as they are topics that occur in and out of school.

In Open Circle we have been working on building our classroom community. As a class we decided on our class rules and the consequences for breaking the rules. The rules for Room 12 will be:

1. Be Respectful

2. Don't interrupt

3. Raise your hand

4. Stay on Topic

5. Take turns

The consequences for breaking the rules are:

1st time: a warning

2nd time: miss 5 minutes of recess

3rd time: miss 10 minutes of recess

4th time: Miss Martin will contact home

Double D behavior (dangerous and destructive) means going to the principal immediately.

Click here to visit the Open Circle web site